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Einstein in America

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What did Einstein do in America after immigration from Germany?

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Einstein in AmericaVersión en línea

What did Einstein do in America after immigration from Germany?

por Peter Feher

for Franklin Roosevelt Institute Adolf Princeton 1940 D Advanced Project Hitler Manhattan Study bombs nuclear 1933 1955

He was visiting the United States when came to power in and did not go back to Germany , where he had been a professor at the Berlin Academy of Sciences . He settled in the U . S . , becoming an American citizen in . [ 7 ] On the eve of World War II , he endorsed a letter to President . alerting him to the potential developing of " extremely powerful of a new type " and recommending that the U . S . begin similar research . This eventually led to what would become the . Einstein was in support of defending the Allied forces , but largely denounced using the new discovery of nuclear fission as a weapon . Later , with the British philosopher Bertrand Russell , Einstein signed the Russell ? Einstein Manifesto , which highlighted the danger of weapons . Einstein was affiliated with the in , New Jersey , until his death in .

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