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3.3 Knowing and understanding

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Team 10. Hernandez Estrada Carlos Josue y Sardeneta Garcia Anette Yosimi

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Edad recomendada: 17 años
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3.3 Knowing and understanding Versión en línea

Team 10. Hernandez Estrada Carlos Josue y Sardeneta Garcia Anette Yosimi

por Anette Sardeneta

inside a a your idea out out of out ring touch stuff inside faintest know clue bell

1 . I don't have the how I got home last night from the bar .
2 . John and I have been since high school , so I really have no idea what he's up to these days .
3 . I honestly think you'd have to in order to be able to do that .
4 . He knows that computer program .
5 . I genuinely did not have who he was .
6 . If the name doesn't , you can read an interview by clicking here .
7 . Ask Mary to help you with your homework . She knows calculus .

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