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Ordena la canción: Love U

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Hola ^^
En esta actividad deberás ordenar la letra de la canción "Love u" del álbum AAL

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Ordena la canción: Love U

Hola ^^ En esta actividad deberás ordenar la letra de la canción "Love u" del álbum AAL

Lizeth Martinez

What know really I you I take want mean 'Cause radio play I the say crazy across really really say You you But you word mind say wine thing you mean 'Cause

make me it's not just the
Go on and me right the line
Looking at , I got one on my
I really , wanna love
But I can't the word I to
they won't it on the
But know know
What I , what I mean
When I that I wanna
I can't the I want to
they won't play it on radio
But know you
I mean , what I
When say that I wann a