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Present perfect vs continuous

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Identify whether it is present perfect or present perfect continuous.

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Present perfect vs continuousVersión en línea

Identify whether it is present perfect or present perfect continuous.

por Omar Martínez

has arrived known have eating has cleaning cooked you drinking been they been been been he has has have I've eaten have Have run have baking taken you

( they / arrive ) already ?
Lucy ( run ) 2000 metres today .
I ( clean ) all morning - I'm fed up !
How long ( you / know ) Simon ?
I ( drink ) more water recently , and I feel better .
The baby's face is really dirty . What ( he / eat ) ?
Sorry about the mess ! . ( bake ) .
How many times ( you / take ) this exam ?
He ( eat ) six bars of chocolate today .
Julie ( cook ) dinner . Let's go and eat !

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