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Main points of a short talk

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Identify and report orally or in a written form the main points of a short talk on work-related topics.

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Main points of a short talkVersión en línea

Identify and report orally or in a written form the main points of a short talk on work-related topics.

por Natalia Bellido Salas

students questions classrooms results menu questionnaire shows talk campus cafeteria morning attention university inadequate improve

Good classmates ! Today we are going to about the main problems that at UTN identify as important in the .
We asked the to 20 participants and here are the . Question 1 asked students how they considered the service at the university . 70% of the students responded that it was . Question 2 asked the students how they would the cafeteria and they stated that they would change the .
Overall , this graph that the main problems that students identify at the are the cafeteria , the bus stops outside the university and the lack of air conditioning in some .
Any from the audience ?
Thank you for your .

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