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Language Learning

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Edad recomendada: 17 años
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Language LearningVersión en línea

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por Tamara Peñamaría

acquisition Instinct pick comprehensible studial learning up Spontaneous formal conscious literacy response Roughly Input language target conditioning stimulus subconsciously finely reinforcement

1 . The of a language is subconscious through massive exposure to it .
2 . We define the development of a language ( through language classes and studying ) as
3 . capabilities are related to the spoken language , whereas capabilities are needed for the development of ( reading and writing ) .
4 . : Mental capability we're all born with .
5 . There are people who live in a - community and do not attend lessons , they just - the language , absorbing it .
6 . The language which we acquire is language we can easily use in spontaneous conversation because it is instantly available when we need it .
7 . When a language is taught and studied as grammar and vocabulary , the language is learnt through a activity .
8 . Students who learn English at school are learning it in a context .
9 . : It's the second language that we receive , either through subconscious acquisition or conscious learning .
10 . I + 1 : It's input : the second language that we receive , which is slightly above our level .
11 . - tuned input aids the acquisition of a second language , whereas - tuned is related to conscious learning .
12 . When a subject is exposed to a , it will produce a , and for this , they will be rewarded , generating a . We call this process .

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