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1. Stage 1 of Labour
2. Stage 2 of Labour
3. Stage 3 of Labour

Uterus continues to contract, expelling the placenta

Cervix opens sufficiently & baby begins to move down the birth canal

Uterus continues to contract, expelling the severed umbilical cord

Contractions start gentle, but then become more powerful

Baby’s head rotates to fit through the mother’s pelvis

Uterine contractions begin

Occurs within ten minutes of the baby’s birth.

As the head emerges entirely the physician turns the baby’s shoulders (

Rest of the body then slides out relatively easily, and the umbilical cord is sealed and cut.

Mother pushes/or bears down, in response to pressure against her pelvic muscles.

Lasts about 90 minutes

Crown of the baby’s head becomes visible in the widened birth canal