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The next morning , Lia and Jay get up ____________________ . Lia puts some bread and a ____________________ in her bag . She puts a ____________________ of water in the bag too . Jay and Lia are on the ____________________ . The air is ____________________ . The air is full of ____________________ . At the ____________________ , Lia and Jay meet a ____________________ . He talks to them . The volcano isn't ____________________ today . ? We're going to our grandmother's ____________________ . ' ? She's ____________________ . She wants water from the well . It will ____________________ her sickness . ' ? You're going to get some ____________________ water ? ____________________ me some too . ' Lia and Jay stop next to a ____________________ . They eat their ____________________ . There is a small ____________________ next to the bridge . A ____________________ woman lives there . She ____________________ to Jay and Lia . She has a small ____________________ . It is a small , red dog . Jay ____________________ the dog some sausage .