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1. Scaffold
2. Give clues, hints, and help
3. Question
4. Explicitly teach
5. Work Collaboratively
6. Acknowledge and encourage
7. Model/Explain and/or Demonstrate/Show
8. Give quality feedback

Definition: Thinking with different points of view and experiences shared together to learn.

Used when: Learning can only happen from one person sharing it with another; not indirectly acquiring.

Definition: Giving positive verbal and/or nonverbal attention to promote perseverance and effort.

Definition: Showing the correct way to follow a direction and/or show a skill as children watch.

Definition: Reminding a child of what they already know or can do and connecting it to a new skill or concept.

Definition: Support a child’s ability to “reach a bit higher” than what he/she can accomplish or learn independently.

USED WHEN: Teachers and/or other students both benefit from sharing ideas.

Definition: Give specific comments on a child’s performance and/or behavior.

USED WHEN: Students need to see something to learn and extend upon it .. Good for visual learners.

Used when: You know a child’s prior knowledge and experiences

USED WHEN: Teachers want to extend learning and understanding in order to help extend learning the next time.

USED WHEN: Students need motivation to stay engaged on a task or maintain behavior expectations.

Used when: When you are teaching something new that is out of an individual child’s independent range of abilities.

Definition: Direct instruction on concepts, skills, and/or behavior.

Used when: Children can benefit from higher order thinking in an open-ended learning situation

Definition: Promoting different thinking and responses during learning.