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1. PRESENT SIMPLE (5 options)
3. PAST SIMPLE (6 options)
4. PAST CONTINUOUS (4 options)
5. PRESENT PERFECT (6 options)
6. MODAL VERBS (5 options)

I can play the piano

I didn't go on holiday last summer.

I have already finished my homework.

I am a good student.

Is Susan working today?

Susan could speak English when she was a kid.

Were you listening to the teacher when she was talking?

Is Susan at home today?

Susan hasn't finished her homework yet

Do you play football with your friends at the weekends?

Susan and Megan weren't travelling to the beach while we were studying

You should do more exercise

When the police came, I wasn't at home.

I have lived in London for years.

I was studying English with Mike yesterday afternoon

Susan doesn't study every day.

You must study hard this year

We haven't seen our teacher since March

I am not studying English at the moment.

Have you ever flown in a plane?

We didn't see Susan last night.

I don't like studying Maths.

Susan spoke English very well when she was a kid.

I have never visited Rome.

You don't have to come to school on Sunday.

Were you at school last month?

You mustn't shout int he library

You are listening to the radio right now

My friends and I were playing basketball all days last week

Did you like the film you saw yesterday?