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1. Lateral Epicondylosis (Tennis Elbow)
2. Medial epicondylosis (Golfer's Elbow)

Chronic phase: Dynamic strengthening of wrist flexors

Subacute phase: MWM lateral glide to forearm with grip, wrist extension isometrics

Cause: Overuse of wrist extension and radial deviation

Chronic phase: Dynamic strengthening of wrist extensors

Acute phase: ice, wrist flexor stretches (progressing into elbow extension)

Sub-acute phase: wrist flexion isometrics

Acute phase: ice, wrist extensor stretches (progressing with elbow extension)

Common s/s: Pain to common extensor bundle of forearm

Common s/s: Pain to medial elbow and twisting motions of wrist

Cause: Overuse of wrist flexion and ulnar deviation