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1. Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid
2. The 3 layers of fascia know as meninges are ___
3. name 2 places the meningeal layer folds _____
4. what are 3 out of the 8 sinus locations
5. the blood brain barrier is several structures surrounding the _____ and _____ that prevents the passing of harmful substances.
6. _______ is the ______ liquid that lubricates and nourish the brain and spinal cord
7. lateral ventricles is ___ shaped and has ___ cerebral in each hemisphere
8. The third ventricle communicates superiority with the ____ and inferiorly with the ____ ventricle.
9. the fourth ventricle can be found between what 2 places ?


superior sagittal

dura mater


cushions and supports the brain and deliver nourishment in the form of fluid



lateral ventricles

cerebrospinal fluid

falx cerebri

tentorium cerebelli

pia mater

inferior sagittal



brain tissue

protected from physical trauma by the skull. between the skull and the brain their are 3 layers of fascia known as __?

arachnoil mater

blood vessels