Crear actividad
Jugar Relacionar Grupos
1. Injury 1
2. Injury 2
3. Injury 3
4. Injury 4
5. Injury 5
6. Injury 6
7. Injury 7
8. Injury 8
9. Injury 9
10. Injury 10
11. Injury 11
12. Injury 12
13. Injury 13
14. Injury 14
15. Injury 15
16. Injury 16
17. Injury 17
18. Injury 18
19. Injury 19
20. injury 20

administer sugar (candy, pop, chocolate)

help administer inhaler/puffer

electrical burn victim

call poison control, follow their instructions

heat exhaustion victim

seizure vicitm

5 back blows, and 5 stomach thrusts alternating

diabetic victim

stabilize using a "log cabin", do no remove, call 911

immobilize victim, call 911

heart attack victim

suspected spinal injury

shock victim

concussion victim

move objects out of the way, support head and maintain open airway, place in semi-prone position when done

perform CPR

hypothermia victim

fractured arm

conscious chocking victim

asthma victim

flush skin with cool water, cover area with a sterile dressing

talk to victim about situation, contact mental health professionals if needed

apply firm and direct pressure using a gauze pad

transport to hospital, monitor vitals, hydrate, avoid loud noise or direct sunlight

embedded object in victims eye

stroke victim

guide "pursed lip breathing"

call 911, assist into comfortable position, suggest taking aspirin

dry victim off, offer a warm beverage and a blanket, monitor vitals

snake bite (poisoning victim)

unconscious, non-breathing victim

call 911, place into comfortable position on side, monitor vitals

immobilize using a sling, ice area, transport to hospital

hyperventilation victim

treat using STRAW

2nd degree heat burn victim

critical incident stress

remove from sun, hydrate with water, monitor vitals

external bleeding victim

treat the entry and exit wounds by flushing with cool water