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1. Ligamentous Stability Tests
2. Lateral Epicondylitis
3. Nerve Pathology Tests
4. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
5. Test for Circulation of the Hand
6. Carpal Instability
7. Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Pathology

Cozen's Test

Lunotriquetral Shear

Tinel's Sign (carpal tunnel)

Supination Lift Test

Allen's Test

PINS Supinator Compression Test

Pronator Teres Syndrome Test

Capillary Refill

TFCC Load Test

Mill's Test

Milking Maneuver

Valgus/Varus Stress Test

Moving Valgus Stress Test

Watson's Test

Maudsley's Test

Tinel's Sign (cubital tunnel)

Phalen's/Reverse Phalen's Test