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1. Techniques used by succesful advertisers
2. Ways to persuade customers
3. Questions

Facts and figures: Provide information like numbers and statistics.

Prove: Showing a product or service is good, by providing facts.

The canary islands got their name from which animal?

Which country makes the Panama hats?

Hidden fears: Making people think that having a product will keep them safe.

How long did the 30 year war last?

Promote: Make people know about a product so they want to buy it.

Imply: Suggest that a product or service is good.

Testimonials: Using famous people to persuade consumers.

In which month do the Russians celebrate the October revolution?

How long did the 100 year last?

Where are the Chinese goosberries from?

Endorse: Personally recomend a product in exchange of payment.

Snob appeal: Imply that using a product will make people part of an elite group.