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A : Wow ! What do you think of the movie ?
B : Well , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , I really liked it , I don't know how the writers ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ such imaginative stories .
A : I know , I could never create a story like that . In fact , movies with good storylines are ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .
B : Actually , I think the same about actors . There aren't many really good actors .
A : It must be difficult to be an actor . You have to learn all your lines ____________________ ____________________ . You can't just invent the words you are going to say .
B : What do you think about special effects ?
A : Personally , I think they were great .
B : I don't agree . I think they ____________________ ____________________ with them . The movie was energetic enough without so many special effects .