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Jugar Relacionar Grupos
1. Places of scenic beauty
2. Places with good facilities
3. Places with rich culture
4. Places of conflict

Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Events

Honeypot tourism

Attending the International Monetary Fund Annual Meeting in Bali, Indonesia

Visiting the Slums of Mumbai

Visiting Legoland in Malaysia

Visiting Mecca, Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj

Heritage tourism

Medical facilities

Flying to Singapore for a liver transplant

Visiting Halong Bay for a boat ride

Film-induced tourism

Visiting WWII concentration camps in Auschwitz, Poland

Visiting a safari in Kenya

Having a double-eyelid surgery in China

Climbing the Grand Canyon

Visiting the Forbidden City in China

Dark tourism

Theme parks

Pilgrimage tourism

Visiting Ground Zero in New York, USA