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1. Striking features in Graph descriptions
2. Ways to figure out the overview
3. Some types of information group

1 group of Ameriacan continent, the other of Europe

1 group of developing countried, the other group with developed counterparts

the trend (the starting, ending figures + sth else necessary)

number 0, missing information

1 group of indoor activities, the other of outdoor ones

1 group of public transport, the other of private transport

identifying the correlations between 2 or more graphs

1 group of land travel, 1 group of air travel, and the other group of sea travel

1 group with more males, the other group with more females

the lowest + highest numbers

1 group of the upward trend, the other of the downward trend

the fastest change

equal numbers

grouping information

the greatest difference

adding numbers together and make comparisions

1 group of one way development (up and/or downe), the other with fluctuations