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I would like to eat eggs for breakfast tomorrow.

I should not yell in the library.

I feel ashamed because I did something wrong.

I am planning to buy a soda at the baseball game.

He yelled at me because he is angry at me.

My sister went to bed early because she was tired.

I am angry because my mother said I could not go out with my friends.

She didn't sit by me at lunch because she doesn't like me.

My brother did not buy me a present because he forgot about my birthday.

If I take $10 out of my mother's purse then I will have money to buy popcorn at the movies.

I should bring an umbrella in case it rains.

I am excited because a new Batman movie is coming out.

I feel upset because my sister hit me.

If someone smokes cigarettes it means they do not care about their health.

I am happy because I got an A on the test.

I would not like my friends to think I am afraid.

I am sad because my favorite shirt got ruined.

I always go to the park with him because we are good friends.