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Jugar Relacionar Grupos
1. Principles of Behavior Management
2. Behavior Management Techniques
3. Motivation

avoid a power struggle-arguments are not productive

be prepared-plan for disruptions

target underlying causes of bad behavior-find out why they are acting out

assess self-awareness-leaders should look at their own history

Obtrusive techniques-very obvious, draws attention that leader is dealing with an issue

make it an agency process-should be part of the system

all people have this, just not toward the same goals

protect and maintain the dignity of the participant-keep things private

be proactive-send positive messages

help and nurture the target of misbehaviors-protect the victim

offer corrective feedback-pass on communication

example: someone is hungry, so they eat the fix it

internal process that pushes us to do something

be consistent and fair-people resent unfairness

Unobtrusive or preventative techniques-define limits, establish routines, etc

avoid neglecting the entire group-sends the wrong message about how to get attention

Discernible techniques-noticeable but not obvious, leadership skills

focus on the behavior, not the person- do not make them think they are a bad person because of bad behavior