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1. Listening
2. Active Listening Skills
3. Culture
4. Possible Differences in Communication
5. Facilitation Techniques

Empathic-understanding feelings, needs, and intentions

Ethnic-across different cultures

Attending-the process of deciding which sound to focus on

Appreciative-for pleasure

Frame the experience

Let the experience speak for itself

Critical-evaluate ideas being expressed

Speak for the experience

Following-nonverbal, interpretive statements, verbal prompts

Reflective-ensures understanding-include paraphrasing, summarizing, etc.

Gender-women build relationships, men establish power

Sexist-ignoring/deprecating one gender

Debrief the experience

Example: Americans speak more loudly and use more gestures than the French

Comprehensive-understand the material presented

an identifiable group of people who share customs, language, patterns of speech, norms, meanings, religion, relationships, or values

Directly frontload the experience

Racist-calling names, misidentifying people