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1. Case method instruction
2. Lecture-based instruction

Compiles related information efficiently

Builds students confidence in the diagnosis of complex problems in a profession

Puts the students in an active learning mode

Forces students to generate nonobvious, alternative responses to difficult problems

Challenges students to adopt the "action perspective"

The student's attention span drops after the first 10 to 18 minutes

Promotes a tolerance for ambiguity and complexity

The expression of the academic behavior model

Allows participants to consider multiple perspectives on a single problem or dilemma

Does not promote transfer to the new context

The purpose is related to the destination, that is, the acquisition of specific knowledge by the students.

The psychological distance between the instructor and the student inhibits learning

Does not promote long-term retention

The expression of passive learning

Challenges the student to accept substantial responsibility for their own education

Follows a linear progression, with a beginning, middle, and end

Adapts the information to the specific interests of the audience

Gives the student first-hand appreciation of, and experience with, the application of knowledge to practice

Students continually face the challenge of adding each new life experience to their developing cognitive frameworks and deepen their understanding

The path of learning is zigzag, through a series of interrelated experiences that allow the rethinking of personal meanings.