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1. Solomon
2. Qin Shi Huangdi
3. Confucius
4. Zheng He
5. Charlemagne
6. Justinian
7. Muhammad
8. Thomas Aquinas
9. Marco Polo
10. Kublai Khan
11. Pope Urban II
12. Mansa Musa

And I built the first temple in Jerusalem.

and I encouraged Christians to join the crusade to retake Jerusalem.

and I am the only foreigner to conquer China.

and I established the 5 relationships in a stable society.

and I was known as the last prophet and founder of Islam.

I am Marco Polo

I am Charlemagne

and I founded Scholasticism.

and I spread Christianity as King of the Franks.

I am Thomas Aquinas

and I made 7 voyages for China.

I am Mansa Musa

and I gave out gold on my pilgrimage drawing the attention of Europeans to Mali.

I am Qin Shi Huangdi

and I started the demand for Chinese technology after I wrote about my travels.

I am Confucius

and I constructed the Great Wall.

I am Zheng He

I am Muhammad

I am Justinian

I am Kublai Khan

I am Pope Urban II

I am King Solomon

and I condensed Roman Laws into my code as Emperor of Byzantine.