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1. Female Brain
2. Male Brain

8% smaller than the other genders brain

This genders brain is more prone to risk taking

This gender is better at coordination, and because of this have faster reaction times.

More attune to language and sounds.

the hippocampus is more active in this gender and as a result they generally have better memory

Have bettervisual-spatial & geographic memory, which helps with location and directions

More abstract and task oriented

The right amygdala is more present in this genders brain. This part of the brain has more connections with external functions

Uses the left amygdala and perceives pain more intensely as a result

Better at juggling more tasks at once

The "Inferior-Parietal Lobule (IPL)” is larger in this gender. This controls mathmatical processes.

larger limbic system. This means more empathic and better at comprehensive thinking