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1. Four Prehistoric Groups
2. Woodland
3. Paleo
4. Archaic
5. Impact of the Spanish
6. Reasons for the Establishment of Georgia
7. First Colonist
8. Key Historical Figures contributing to the Establishment of Georgia

Mary Musgrove - translator for Tomochichi and Oglethorpe

Spear and Atlatl

Bow and Arrow

First to discover the Americas

economic, the new colony would grow plants England was then buying from other countries

James Oglethorpe - Founding Father of the colony

3 major period, early, middle, and late.

military defense, the new colony would be a buffer between South Carolina and Spanish Florida




Salzburgers - Escaping religious persecution

First to use farming on wide scale


Highland Scots - Brought to defend the Colony

De Soto was the first to explore Georgia and the South East

The primary crops grown were corn, squash, and beans.

Malcontents - Those unhappy with the colony

Tomochichi - Creek Indian Chief and friend of Savannah

Most Nomadic

The Spanish established missions along the Georgia barrier islands and coast to convert the Indians to Christianity.

charitable, the new colony would be home to deserving poor

Developed the use of the Axes and Pottery