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  • 1. Integers
    2. String Data
    3. Floating-Point Numbers
    4. Boolean Expressions

    3rd floor


    2.998 x 10^8 meters per second

    "Eco-Friendly Water Bottle"

    "Happy Birthday!"

    100 pencils

    A OR B

    "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"

    (x > 5) AND (y < 10)




    Room 101

    72.5°F or 22.5°C

    85 points

    x > y

    15 books

    85.67 points


    "(555) 123-4567"


    True or False

    55 mph

    age > 18

    25 students

    Latitude: 40.7128° N

    "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."

    On or Off

    "456 Oak Ave, Russellville, TN"

    12 years old

    "Dr. Freeman"