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1. Revelation
2. General Revelation
3. Special Revelation
4. Conversion
5. Mystical Experience
6. Charismatic Worship
7. Glossolalia
8. Meditation
9. Incarnation

Mystical Experience


Charismatic Worship

Unveiling or the unknown being made known

Emptying of the mind to fill it with God’s word often through a short focused prayer


A change in someone’s religious beliefs.


Where God is born into human flesh (lit. ‘in flesh’)

A feeling of love and closeness to God

Where people speak in tongues because the Holy Spirit moves through them

General Revelation


Special Revelation

Form of Christian worship where people try to open themselves to the Holy Spirit and be inspired by it


Natural Revelation

Available to all and comes through nature

Where God takes the initiative and reveals his existence to an individual