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1. Revelation
2. General Revelation/Natural Revelation
3. Special Revelation
4. Conversion
5. Mystical Experience
6. Charismatic Worship
7. Glossolalia
8. Meditation

Where God takes the initiative and reveals his existence to an individual

Pentecost – the day when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples and flames appeared above their heads and they speak all languages


Saul to St Paul – A Jew who was converted by Jesus on the road to Damascus

Tony Blair – changed from Protestant to Catholic

Form of Christian worship where people try to open themselves to the Holy Spirit and be inspired by it

Mystical Experience

The Jesus Prayer – “Jesus, Son of God have mercy on me”


A beautiful sunset reveals the beauty of God


Finding out a secret

Where people speak in tongues because the Holy Spirit moves through them

Feeding of the 5000 (miracle)

Emptying of the mind to fill it with God’s word through a short focused prayer


Charismatic Worship

The Charismatic Movement where people feel close to God and worship in an uninhibited way (singing, dancing, clapping)

The Bible

William Paley, a clergyman who saw the complex design of the natural work as evidence for the existence of God

General Revelation/Natural Revelation

Visions/speaking to prophets

Special Revelation
