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1. Conjunctions
2. But
3. Or
4. And

A synonym and formal word is "However"

Which is the most dangerous animal, crocodile _____ hippo?

You can number elements, but before the final element, you write it

Who is your favorite singer, Arianna Grande ___ Miley Cyrus?

They are: but, or, and

I like snow ________ I hate winter

Specifically for contrasts

Mr Luis _______ students are at Abraham Lincoln´s School

When you add something else, you mustn´t write a comma

It´s used for adding something else

Piano, trumpet _______ saxophone are the best instruments

Words which are used to connect sentences, phrases.

Take your shoes, ____ what are you waiting for?

Three are the most known in Grammar

Usually they are found in Reading Comprehension Exercises

Usually it appears in Which WH Question

My parents live together _________ they fight all the time

Another usages include options, alternatives, addings, contrasts

It´s used for multiple options

It means two elements are so different