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1. Fixed Mindset
2. Growth Mindset 1

Riding a bike sounds like fun; I will practice every day until I can ride down the sidewalk by myself.

I never learned to ride a bike and I never will.

Math is hard for me right now, but I can get better at math by reaching out to my teacher.

I have just started drawing, and with practice, I will be able to create beautiful art.

Surfing is too hard for someone like me, there's no way I could do that.

Surfing seems cool and I want to learn more about it.

Reading is always going to be too hard for me. There's no point in trying.

My sister has been dancing for a long time. If I ask her to work with me, I could learn a lot and improve my own dancing.

I will never be as good as my sister at dancing.

Reading is sometimes challenging for me, but I could ask my teachers and friends for some book suggestions.

Math is too hard for me, I'm just not good at it.

I am not good at drawing. I don't even want to try to draw.