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1. Alio, quoque in tempore, cum vir beatus in Pictorum provincia per aliquot moraretur dies, necesse habuit fluium transire Nesam
2. Paret ergo unusquisque vestrum, dilectissimi, quod bonum est
3. Cogit me sanctum desiderium tuum, generosa progenies, ut tibi vel breviter aliquid scribam
4. Non ego, ut aeternum fieres mihi dira flagellum, duxi equidem et mores conquere meos
5. Accipe quod offensum animum ex parte mulceat

Your holy desire summons me, noble progeny, so that I write something to you even briefly

Also in another time, when the blessed man(saint) was lingering in the province of the Picts for several days, he found it necessary to go across the Loch Ness

Cum circumstantial clause

Therefore, let each one of you learn, dearest friends, that which is good

Result clause

Purpose Clause

And indeed, I have not married (you) so that you, awful woman, became an eternal scourge to me

Jussive subjunctive

Indirect command

Accept what might flatter an offended mind in part