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? Ordinary Time is divided into two parts . The first falls between Christmas and Lent . During this season , we ____________________ the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and what it means to be his ____________________ . This is a time to learn and follow the teachings of Christ in our daily lives , to grow as his followers , and to become better able to give witness to his Good news in our everyday lives .
? The season of ____________________ begins on Easter Sunday evening and continues until ____________________ Sunday . During the Easter season we rejoice in Jesus ? Resurrection and in the new life we have in Jesus Christ .
? Advent begins the liturgical year . During these four weeks we prepare to celebrate Jesus ? ____________________ and wait for Christmas , the celebration of the coming of the Son of God , Jesus Christ .
? Ash Wednesday begins the season of ____________________ . During this time we remember that Jesus suffered , died , and resurrected to new life . We pray , give alms , and ____________________ in order to grow closer to Jesus and to one another .
? During the ____________________ season , we celebrate that God is with us always . This season begins on ____________________ ____________________ , December 25 .
? The ____________________ ____________________ is the Church ? s greatest celebration . It lasts three days ( from Holy Thursday evening until Easter Sunday evening ) and we remember and celebrate in the liturgy , with many traditions and rituals , the suffering , Death , and ____________________ of Jesus Christ .