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1. Signal
2. Summary
3. Conclusion
4. Closing remarks

19. To summarize, I’ll run through my three topics

20. In conclusion, I’d like to leave you with the following idea …

17. In my opinion the only way forward is …

6. I suggest we should …

10. Let me go over the key points again

4. I will briefly summarize the main issues.

18. Thank you for listening.

9. So that completes our presentation …

11. To sum up

2. Let me summarize what we have looked at.

12. I trust you’ve gained an insight into …

3. Thank you for your attention.

13. To conclude, I’d like to leave you with the following thought…

5. I will now hand out …

8. I’d like to conclude by strongly recommending …

15. If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them

1. So, that brings me to the end of my presentation.

7. I’d like to summarize …

14. Well, that covers everything I want to say

16. At this stage I’d like to go over …