Unit 2: The natural world
CrucigramaProficiency Expert
Food and Drink
CrucigramaDo the crossword
Unit 1: Performing arts
Ruleta de PalabrasVocabulary from the book Proficiency Expert - Unit 1
CrucigramaLet's revise vocabulary from unit 2...
Clothes and Appearance
Ruleta de PalabrasLet's practice some vocabulary from unit 2...
Bodies of Water and Landforms
Ruleta de PalabrasAfter reading the information on pages 32-36, complete the following activity.
The world around us
Ruleta de PalabrasFind a word we've seen in unit 2 for each of the following definitions. Letters j, q and z were not used.
Unit 5 - Review
Ruleta de PalabrasYou'll revise vocabulary from units 4 and 5. There are also a few words from previous units.