Mein Haus!
This puzzle practices the words and phrases from our Unit "Mein Haus" Use your vocab sheets to answer.
Keep in mind - some of these answers will be in plural.
Click in the puzzle where you would like to type a word. Clues are given in English to the right of the puzzle. Some clues are spoken. They will play automatically. Press the play button if you would like to hear it more than once.
** Umlauts are written a little differently in this puzzle
ä = ae ö = oe ü = ue
and β = ss
Keep in mind - some of these answers will be in plural.
Click in the puzzle where you would like to type a word. Clues are given in English to the right of the puzzle. Some clues are spoken. They will play automatically. Press the play button if you would like to hear it more than once.
** Umlauts are written a little differently in this puzzle
ä = ae ö = oe ü = ue
and β = ss
Descarga la versión para jugar en papel
Edad recomendada: 14 años
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