Relacionar Columnas A & S in the ASSURE ModelVersión en línea Smaldino et al - Ch3b por Melek Aydın 1 Angela is a senior English teacher, who has been teaching English more than 20 years. Although there are some consistencies about teaching, which never change, the term “how to teach” has dramatically evolved. But, in the fast-paced educational sphere, there is no only one method, which fits to all types of learners. This is the fact she is closely familiar with. She is actually aware of the fact that she has to consider upon the learning style preferences of her students; that is, some of them may be visual learners, but some others may learn better by listening to teacher 2 Mr. Carl aims the students whose grades are 8 to learn the phrases about refusing and accepting in accordance with the unit "Make An Offer and Invitation". In this respect, he targets the students to conceptualize the difference between the phrases about accepting and refusing by differentiating the phrases contextually and grammatically in the convergence of reading, listening, writing and speaking skills 3 Maria is a passionate teacher, who wants to teach English in a way that every student can learn it to be able to communicate in daily life. She has just started to work in a middle school, so she is very excited. To teach them most, she really wants to know who the students are and what their characteristics are both as a learner of English and a person. 4 Ms. Rebecca is planning a "Meeting" activity for the 5th grade students. She does not know the students yet. So, she aims to introduce herself with a self diagram. After drawing their attention, she targets the students to introduce themselves with a similar diagram and change it with their partners. She wants each student to introduce their partner's self diagram. In this way, she can understand social integrity of the class and the students are able to introduce themselves and their friends verbally with self diagram. 5 David has students, who are fourth graders and he is planning to teach them “use of past tense to narrate memories”. At first, he thinks he has to be sure about whether they already know past forms of the verbs they would use telling their memories. 6 Mrs. Sue teaches 9th grade students and she wants to create a class environment so that they can present their project with the help of some technological equipments, visual and audible materials about the topic "People and Cultures". In this way, she aims the students to analyze different cultures and present their findings from many perspectives. She wants them to analyze, report and present the interesting information about different cultures and people. In accordance with her objective, the students are able to internalize the topic by taking both roles as audience and presenter. State Standards and Objectives Analyze Learners State Standards and Objectives State Standards and Objectives Analyze Learners Analyze Learners