Fruits of the Paradise
Ruleta de Palabras
Name of the Game: If you like fruits play! Grade, module SEC and CEFR Level: Grade 2th Module 1 Health and life. Level A1. Ages: 6-7 years. Number of players: 1 player or in pairs. Lexical category and items: Banana, Orange, Pear, Peach, Watermelon, Strawberry, Lemon, Cherry, Grapes, Pineapple, Apple, Mango. Goal / Mission: You will have to find the right word based on the clue or picture. Instructions: Play with the Roulette of words! In each letter, you will have a clue or picture of a fruit. you must find the correct word for that clue or picture. the correct word is the name of the fruit. And remember! the word has to start with the letter in which you are. Players will have 10 tries and 10 minutes to find all the Fruits' name. Rules (forfeits): If the player does not complete the whole game in the given time or exceeds the number of tries, he, she or they (if it is a group) will have to sing a song or saying a tongue twister (it does not matter if the song or the tongue twister are in Spanish). To be crowned champion, the player will have to complete all the game and also he will have to say what is his favorite Fruit(based on the game).
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Edad recomendada: 6 años
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