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por Liliana Meneses León

Read and complete the information: The Egyptian culture was one of the oldest and most long-lived of antiquity. It benefited from an abundance of rich farmland, nearby mineral resources, and a good strategic position. Despite occasional invasion and internal strife, it endured as a distinctive culture for nearly 5000 years. Egypt is located in the extreme northeast of Africa. It is crossed from south to north by the _______________, which empties into the Mediterranean Sea.


Complete the sentence. The Egyptians lived on the banks of the Nile River or along the canals. Every year the Nile overflowed and flooded the fields on its banks and fertilized them, generating surplus food. For an ___________ civilization like the Egyptian the Nile was of vital importance.


Complete the sentence. The Nile River was also used as a means of communication. The Greek historian _________ (5th century BC) stated that "Egypt was a gift or gift from the Nile". Today is still the same.


Complete the sentence. The country was divided into two: Upper Egypt to the south and Lower Egypt to the north at the mouth of the Nile in the form of a ___________.


Complete the sentence. ______________ Society was hierarchical and was structured into different groups: AT THE TOP were the Pharaoh and the royal family. The SECOND GROUP was made up of priests, high-ranking officials, province governors, military chiefs and scribes of high standing. The THIRD GROUP was comprised fundamentally by the peasants, which constituted around 97% of the total population. The craftsmen and merchants were also in this group. Slaves belonged to the fourth group. They were regarded as objects or animals and could be bought and sold. Many of them were working in the domestic service.


Complete the sentence. The Egyptians were governed by the ____________, who was helped by government officials, governors, and military personnel. This organization headed by the king was called the State.


Read and complete the information: The civilization of ancient Greece was immensely influential in many spheres: language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, science, and the arts. It had major effects on the Roman Empire which ultimately ruled it. As Horace put it, "Captive Greece took captive her fierce conqueror and instilled her arts in rustic Latium." Via the Roman Empire, Greek culture came to be foundational to Western culture in general. The Byzantine Empire inherited Classical Greek culture directly, without Latin intermediation, and the preservation of classical Greek learning in medieval Byzantine tradition exerted strong influence on the Slavs and later on the Islamic Golden Age and the Western European Renaissance. A modern revival of Classical Greek learning took place in the Neoclassicism movement in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe and the Americas. Important Greek society was a _______________, therefore, very unequal. It was made up of two groups of people: the free and the slaves.


Complete the sentence. Important Temple The _______________ in Greece (land of the Hellenes or the Greeks) did not constitute a unified political entity. It was made up of numerous independent states called "cops". These controlled a less extensive Armaso territory, normally integrated by the urban nucleus and its surroundings. They had their own laws, institutions, currency and army. The wars between the different cops were very common.


Complete the sentence. Some Greek city-states, such as Thebes, Corinth or Rhodes, achieved great relief, but the most powerful were _________ and Sparta.


Complete the sentence. Greek contributions to humanity are the ___________, The Alphabet, The Library, The Olympics, Science and Mathematics, Architecture, Mythology, Standardized Medicine, Jury Trial, The Theater, The Lighthouse, Water Mill, Odometer, Alarm, Cartography.


Complete the sentence. _____________ civilization emerged in 753 B.C. as a small community near the commercial pass of the Tiber River (from present-day Italy). Rome became one of the most successful imperial powers in history. The Roman government was characterized by a strong military spirit, which justifies its incessant war activity. However, it was able to become a power because of its strategic capacity to establish alliances.


Read and complete the sentence. The Rome monarchy was a period of great Etruscan influence, from which emerged the new Roman State and a political system that gave way to the Republic. During this period the Roman kings and the Etruscans exercised power. The republic (from the 6th century B.C. to the 1st century A.D.). The expansion began accompanied by a period of great struggles and conquests, such as the _____________ that took place in Rome and Carthage. Rome triumphed in the last battle and became the first power in the Mediterranean under the leadership of Julius Cesar. With the death of Julius Cesar, a fight began to take command of Rome between Mark Antony and Octavian, who triumphed and began the Roman Empire.


Complete the sentence. Empire Roman was the period characterized by an autocratic government, whose decisions were not subject to laws or mechanisms regulating it. ______________was the first emperor of Rome who ruled and proclaimed himself every year of his mandate. It managed to establish some internal peace, but it suffered constant border clashes. However, it succeeded in expanding the empire to neighbouring regions. After his death in 14 A.D. the Senate granted him the recognition of divinity and he was succeeded by Tiberius, his stepson.


Complete the sentence. The Patricians or free men enjoyed full enjoyment of their rights, participated in the ______________ and held high political and military positions.


Complete the sentence. Punic wars are called the series of three wars waged between ___________ and Carthage in the period from 264 to 146 BC. By the time the conflict occurred, this was the largest military confrontation that had taken place to date.


Complete the sentence. First Punic War. Confrontation between Romans and Carthaginians for the dominion of __________________ that was decided in favor of the first. Developed between 264 and 241 B.C.


Read and complete the sentence. Second Punic War. The Carthaginians spread across the Iberian peninsula until they reach the limit marked by the Romans on the Ebro River, attack Sagunto, a Roman ally and Rome declares to them the war that was divided on two fronts. On the one hand the war in the Iberian peninsula and on the other the heroic march of the Carthaginian general Hannibal through the Pyrenees and the Alps to the gates of Rome. For his part, the Roman general Scipio defeated the Carthaginians in Hispania and headed for the capital Carthage. Victory finally fell on the _________ side. Developed between 218 and 201 BC.


Complete the sentence. In 395, Emperor ______________ divided the Roman Empire into two parts: Constantinople was the capital of the Eastern Empire (whose life would extend over a thousand years, until the 15th century. Meanwhile, the Western Roman Empire (which was changing capital in Rome, Milan or Ravenna) it underwent the invasions of the Germanic towns until shortly after, in the year 476, the barbarian chief Odoacro deposed the last emperor.


Complete the sentence. In ancient Greek religion and mythology, the twelve Olympians are the major Deities of the Greek __________, commonly considered to be Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hestia or Dionysus.


Complete the sentence. The 12 ___________ Gods were Jupiter and Juno, Neptune and Minerva, Mars and Venus, Apollo and Diana, Vulcan and Vesta, Mercury and Ceres.

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