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5 SOCIALSVersión en línea


por Liliana Meneses León

Complete the sentence: Colombia in the 20th century is characterized by peace and _____________, in addition to technological advance. In addition, public works expanded, there was an economic opening and social movements emerged. Peace and war largely determine the sequence of events of the 20th century in Colombia, which begins caught, between conservatives and liberals, in the war of a thousand days (1899-1902).


Complete the sentence: In the 20th century, new violent events such as the massacre of the Bananeras, and the wars with Peru (1911-1934), the ____________ and other events.


Complete the sentence: After the assassination of Gaitan, in April 1948, a popular protest was generated, known as ______________, which spread throughout Colombian territory, and which cost nearly 3,000 lives. This fact unleashes the period of Violence, characterized by the polarization of liberals and conservatives.


Read and complete the sentence: The division within the Colombian Liberal Party allowed the victory of the conservative Mariano Ospina Pérez in the presidential elections of Colombia in 1946. However, the projection of Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, added to the liberal majority in congress, did not allow the conservatives to fully develop their policies. Gaitán was assassinated on April 9, 1948: the "Bogotazo" was unleashed. The objective was not achieved and Ospina was strengthened, for which he developed a greater repression. For this reason, the liberal party did not participate in the 1950 elections, leaving Laureano Gómez to win the presidency. Without a legal political opposition, Gómez promoted a series of far-right policies. Then, a part of the liberal leadership ordered its militants to take up arms against the Gómez presidency, which led to what became known as La Violencia. In the middle of the century the Dictatorship of __________________ was established, who tried to stop the Violence between liberals and conservatives. After the fall of the dictatorship, an amnesty was obtained through the establishment of the National Front, which involved a bipartisan pact that involved alternation in government and parity in administration


Complete the sentence: After 1960, the political landscape in Colombia was complicated by the rise of drug trafficking and ______________ with the persistence of guerrillas, organized in different groups (FARC, ELN, EPN) and their participation in drug trafficking, as a way of obtaining financing.


Complete the sentence: In the _____________, public works expanded and the structure of the national state was improved. Likewise, the food, beverage and textile industry is promoted, urban growth is stimulated, which together generates the working class.


Complete the sentence: The modern and capitalist character of transformations generate confrontations of the workers with foreign companies with the State. In addition, the field is abandoned, and there is an exaggerated growth of urban centers. From 1930 changes appear in the Colombian economy, which promote ¬¬¬¬__________ and import substitution.


Complete the sentence: At the end of the 20th century, economic opening occurred, which implied the imposition of various reforms, which involved the local flooding of foreign products, the privatization of ports, the increase in the price of the Dollar, ___________, foreign investment, which together left little or no room for social justice.


Complete the sentence: At the end of the ______ century, social movements emerged as a way of building new ways of facing the destruction of the world by "technological progress". Colombia has been the scene of new proposals in this regard.


Complete the sentence: The precarious situation suffered by rural communities, indigenous people, Afro-Colombian groups, women are a consequence of the impact that _________ globalization entails.


Complete the sentence: _____________ was Minister of Education of the Eduardo Santos government. He established the school shoe program and organized the annual show of Colombian artists.


Read and complete the sentence: El Bogotazo refers to the massive riots that followed the assassination in Bogotá, Colombia of Liberal leader and presidential candidate Jorge Eliécer Gaitán on 9 April 1948 during the government of President Mariano Ospina Pérez. The 10-hour riot left much of downtown Bogotá destroyed. The aftershock of Gaitan's murder continued extending through the countryside and escalated a period of violence which had begun eighteen years before, in 1930, and was triggered by the fall of the conservative party from government and the rise of the liberals. The 1946 presidential elections brought the downfall of the liberals allowing conservative Mariano Ospina Pérez to win the presidency. The struggle for power between both again triggered a period in the history of Colombia known as "The Violence" that lasted until approximately 1958, from which the civil conflict that continues to this day grew. The ____________ is the name by which an escalation of violent confrontations, looting and protests, which took place in Bogotá and other cities in Colombia, is known on the afternoon and evening of April 9, 1948, after the assassination of the leading presidential candidate of the Liberal Party, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán near his own work office.


Complete the sentence: The fact triggered a spontaneous protest by the people that shook the Colombian capital and the entire country, starting "La Violencia", a period that marked the country, and which began with the confrontation between members of the Liberal Party and the ________ Party.


Complete the sentence: On June 13, 1953, Laureano Gómez was overthrown by General _________, who was well received by various sectors of the country. The congress had been closed since 1949, and Rojas governed with a legislative body orchestrated by him, known as the ANAC (National Constituent Assembly), which legitimized his rise to power and appointed him as president for the four-year periods 1954-1958 and 1958-1962. (period that he did not exercise).


Complete the sentence: Gustavo Rojas Pinilla offered a conditional _________ to the liberal guerrillas, and developed a series of economic and political reforms, including the inauguration of television broadcasts in Colombia and the right to vote for women. However, his de facto presidency pursued freedom of expression and was very lax with remnants of political violence, particularity that carried out by conservatives against liberals.

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