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Use of ICT's when teaching English.


The following presentation will give you a brief explanation regarding the ICT'S tools and how useful they are.
Click on the upper right corner to go back or forward so you can have a full understanding of the content. At the end there are some questions to reflection about the information giving.

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Use of ICT's when teaching English.Versión en línea

The following presentation will give you a brief explanation regarding the ICT'S tools and how useful they are. Click on the upper right corner to go back or forward so you can have a full understanding of the content. At the end there are some questions to reflection about the information giving.

por Yeshenia Arias


   Since people have become very dependent of electronic devices and enjoy being connected almost their entire free time, the old strategies may seem bored and unattractive for some students, especially children and teenagers which need an extra motivation when learning English. Even though students still enjoy listening to English songs and using colorful books, those resources are not enough for their curious minds and need many diverse activities to maintain them focus and interested on the learning process.



 Besides classical activities used in the classroom, teachers may use ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools to promote an immersion environment where students will have all their senses activated on the process to gain the knowledge by the use of many different tools that can be used, always bearing in mind the population it is focused on. Students have the opportunity to watch videos, movies, TV series, games, books, and applications that offer a wide amount of information that fits every student needs and capacity. 



Using ICT tools does not means that the teacher function is gone, it is always necessary to have the human touch in every learning situation since they provide the assistance that a machine or program cannot do, humans need contact with other humans and that is something that not even the most advanced science will ever beat; all those applications are just a plus to every learning process and it does not mean either that a student won’t get the knowledge if the teacher prefers to use a traditional class using a board and markers; all the tools, strategies and materials available will ease the process but are not dependent one each other.



 1) What does ICT stand for? 

2) Why do teenagers and children may find boring study English with songs books? 

3) Which ICT tools can be used to teach English? 

4) Are English teachers in danger of losing their jobs by the increasing of ICT tools? 

5) Are ICT tools designed only for young learners?



Elmo (s.f.). What is ICT in education? Recovered from: http://www.elmoglobal.com/en/html/ict/01.aspx

 Fitzpatrick, A. (s.f.) Information and communication technology in foreign language teaching and learning _ an overview. Recovered from: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8stRI1eeaO-el9HSlVyUndIcDA/view

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