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QLMS Roles

Account Executives sales of products and our service
SOS- scenario underwriters and escalation to our product owners/clarity on guidelines
Frontline- credit specialist, registration, communications
Folder Analyst- compliance, income & asset specialist.
CIC- Streamlines changes to the files as the loan goes through the process
QM Experts- Qualified Mortgage – ensures lenders/brokers aren’t over charging in fees
Vendor-Vending Machine. Streamline third party interaction/communication
Communication- processors who streamline every team’s communication after Folder Receive
Underwriter- IPAC/credit, collateral, solutions, purchase
Closing- signing, balancing our process to start the funding process

mathematics mortgage Edad recomendada: 14 años
0 veces realizada

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Folder  Leader
Folder Leader
Estados Unidos

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