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Citizen Z B2 Unit 9 Vocabulary

Ruleta de Palabras

Here's your opportunity to review all of the vocabulary that you learned in unit 9. Enjoy!

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Citizen Z B2 Unit 9 VocabularyVersión en línea

Here's your opportunity to review all of the vocabulary that you learned in unit 9. Enjoy!

por David Alejandro Guevara Pitre

Contains A

Two words, first begins with C, second begins with A. Someone who gives advice about work and further studies.

Starts with B

A person who is in charge of a worker or organization. One who directs or supervises workers.

Starts with C

To direct the performance of (a piece of music or an orchestra, choir, etc.).

Starts with D

A qualification you get from a college or university.

Contains E

Two words, first begins with L, second begins with E. Practical wisdom gained from living.

Starts with F

Two words, first begins with F, the second begins with L. This is what you study when you study English. It means a language that you had to learn and is not official in your country.

Starts with G

Someone who has recently finished university.

Starts with H

Two words, first begins with H, second begins with E. What you study at a university. Not a degree. This refers to studying at a university or college, anything higher than High School. Post-secondary school studies. Not bachillerato.

Starts with I

This is a meeting you need to have with human resources to get a job. You need to talk about your job experience and education.

Starts with J

A paid position of regular employment. What you have when you work regularly for a company.

Starts with K

A job where you are the monarch of a country. You can marry a queen.

Starts with L

Two words. First begins with L, second begins with C. A person employed to help people attain their goals in life.

Contains M

Begins with E. One employed by another usually for wages or salary and in a position below the executive level. Synonym for worker.

Starts with N

A job you can have where you work at a hospital or a health clinic. You help the patients and doctors.

Starts with O

This means you own something. It could be a job like if you own a football team.

Starts with P

The possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring. Usually refers to a person's future.

Starts with Q

A job where you can be the leader of a country. One famous one of these was Elizabeth of England. You can marry a king.

Starts with R

Someone who works for a newspaper as a journalist. They collect information on stories to write them later.

Starts with S

Someone who has recently finished school.

Contains T

Begins with S. What you do before a text, quiz or exam. Usually means looking at notes in a notebook or reading from a textbook.

Contains U

Two words, first begins with D, second with C. What you study at university. One example is Bio-chemistry.

Starts with V

A job where you like to suck people's blood and you have to sleep during the day.

Starts with W

Two words, first begins with W, second begins with E. The jobs that a person has had. The experience of having had a job.

Contains X

Begins with T. Money you have to pay to the government when you work at a job. This money pays for public services.

Contains Y

An extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in traveling.

Starts with Z

A place where you could work in the future if you know how to deal with animals. Not a veterinarian.

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