At Rooftops School (part 1)
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Vocabulary: Art, English, Geography,
History, Maths, Music, PE, Science, a cold, a cough, earache, a headache, a stomach ache, toothache, homework diary, model, timetable, whiteboard, 2D shape, 3D shape, examples, main ideas, thick lines, thin lines, title, museum, school, theatre, basketball, football, kayaking, table tennis, tennis, swimming
Grammar: Does he / she like (English)? Yes, he does. / No, she doesn’t. What’s the matter?
I’ve got (a cold).
She’s got (earache).
We’ve got (Maths tomorrow). We’re (having a snack).
I don’t like (Science).
+What time is Maths?
It’s at quarter to eleven.
History, Maths, Music, PE, Science, a cold, a cough, earache, a headache, a stomach ache, toothache, homework diary, model, timetable, whiteboard, 2D shape, 3D shape, examples, main ideas, thick lines, thin lines, title, museum, school, theatre, basketball, football, kayaking, table tennis, tennis, swimming
Grammar: Does he / she like (English)? Yes, he does. / No, she doesn’t. What’s the matter?
I’ve got (a cold).
She’s got (earache).
We’ve got (Maths tomorrow). We’re (having a snack).
I don’t like (Science).
+What time is Maths?
It’s at quarter to eleven.
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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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