Ordering BreakfastVersión en línea The aim of this activity is to practice ordering breakfast at a restaurant. por Octavio Perez Waiter Good morning, Is everything okay here? Customer Mmm... no, Not really. I have been waiting for a long time. Waiter I´m sorry. So you are not waiting for anybody else? Customer No. Nobody is coming. Waiter Ok then. How may I help you? Customer To begin with could I get a menu? Waiter Sure. Customer Can I have an omelet? And I´d like a cup of coffee. Waiter Ok, anything else? Customer For the moment that will be all. Thanks. Waiter Here is your order. Is everything okay? Customer Can I have some more sugar for my coffee? Oh yes can I get another fork? Waiter What is wrong with that one? Customer It fell on the floor. Waiter Oh. I´ll get another one for you in a moment. Customer Great, thank you.