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The hydrosphere

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Conocimientos sobre la hidrosfera para asignatura bilingüe

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The hydrosphereVersión en línea

Conocimientos sobre la hidrosfera para asignatura bilingüe

por Trinidad Gálvez Egea

Empieza por A

In Spanish, any geological formation containing or conducting ground water as the results of the infiltration water

Empieza por B

The system formed by all living beings on planet Earth and their interrelations

Empieza por C

Change of state of the water that occurs in the atmosphere, when it passes from vapor to liquid

Empieza por D

In spanish, property of the water that allow living beings to transport nutrients and gases, such as oxigen and carbon dioxide, and to eliminate waste material.

Empieza por E

change of state of the water that occurs specially in seas and oceans, when it passes from liquid to vapor

Empieza por F

In spanish, process by which carbon dioxide, water, and certain inorganic salts are converted into carbohydrates by green plants, algae, and certain bacteria, using energy from the sun and chlorophyll.

Empieza por G

In spanish, an extended mass of ice formed from snow falling and accumulating over the years and moving very slowly. They contein 20% of the continental water.

Empieza por H

type of solid precipitation as a piece of ice that has a ball shape

Empieza por I

Process in which part of the water from precipitation and melting ice or snow penetrates the Earth's crust, feeding the groundwater.

Empieza por K

Aquatic sports that assume a non consuntive use of water. It is practiced on a boat like a piragua

Empieza por L

Plural. In transpiration, a large part of the water absorbed by plant roots is released through them into the atmosphere in the form of water vapour

Empieza por M

Verb. To become liquefied by warmth or heat, as ice or snow.

Empieza por N

In Spanish, use of water when you can use it more than once, meaning that once it has been used for a certain activity it can be used again.

Empieza por O

element that forms part of the water molecule

Empieza por P

Water from the clouds falls to the Earth's surface, under the force of gravity, as snow, rain or hail.

Contiene la Q

State of the water when it's not vapor or solid.

Empieza por R

Process in which part of the water from precipitation and melting ice or snow circulates on the Earth's surface, influenced by gravity, until it returns to the oceans.

Empieza por S

the water cycle is possible thanks to the energy of this star, which causes water to chage state and enables air masses to move.

Empieza por T

Adjective. thanks to this property of the water the light can penetrate it and the photosynthetic organisms which live in it are able to carry out photosynthesis.

Empieza por U

The water is considered the ____________ disolver because it is the liquid that dissolves more substances

Empieza por V

Water state when it reaches the temperature of 100 degrees

Empieza por W

Throughout this cycle the hydrosphere can form part of the air in te atmosphere or part of the arganism in the biospere.

Contiene la X

a test, trial, or tentative procedure; an act or operation for the purpose of discovering something unknown or of testing a principle, supposition, etc.

Contiene la Y

Force thanks to water cycle is possible. It moves water from higher points down to the seas and oceans.

Empieza por Z

Temperature at which water freezes and turn to ice

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