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Composer Slide ShowVersión en línea

Slide Show

por Susan Bailes



Cantata No. 208

Sheep May Safely Graze

--COMPOSER: think about the sound a sheep makes... Baa Baa/Rhymes with Bach

--MAJOR WORK:  Think about how many sheep there may be... "Can"tata No. 208 (CANTATA No. 208)

--Think about Sheep May Safely Graze 

--The music is simple and clean.  Visualize the sheep grazing and just walking around, calming, simple and clean. 

--A female singer and orchestra, sung in English, but I still have a hard time understanding the words.

--You can hear the recorder instrument in the music.





Symphony No. 3, "Eroica"

Movement 3

--Look at all the 3's... Beethoven has 3 E's

--Symphony No. 3, "Eroica" (and the name begins with an "E")

--Movement 3

--Remember this is a Symphony piece.  It is upbeat and you can hear all the orchestra. 




Bernstein  (pay attention to the spelling of this name--the e is before the i.  That is not common)



--This one reminds me of burning ["Bern" stein]  a

--can ["Can"dide]... (Candide)

--you have to turn them over and over [Overture] to get them to burn.

--This is a full orchestra and very upbeat music.  It is fast AND high and low.  

--At times, it is almost like mice running around on little tiny feet, being seen, speeding up, then sneaking around again. 

--Think about those Cans (Candide) full of rats.  Oh my... they are in a hurry not to get caught or BERNSTEIN will burn them over and over! (Overture)



Giordani, T.

Giordani, T.

(no Major Work listed)

Caro mio ben

--This is a hard one.  Just remember that it is sung in Italian...(all the Italian composers names end with an "i".  

--Caro mio ben   means "Dear, my beloved" .

 --Maybe think that there is no Major Work listed, because this person has 2 names (the same as Fanny Mendellssohn, and even though Rachmaninoff doesn't have 2 names it is the longest name)  

--"Gior and Caro" (T. Giordani and Caro mio ben)

--Maybe think that "Gior" goes with "Caro" [Caro mio ben]





Lincolnshire Posy

Horkstow Grange

--The composer, Grainger, reminds me of "grain" like on a farm.

--Lincolnshire is in England.

--Horkstow Grange is a farming community in Lincolnshire.

--It will help to remember that the Composer [Grainger] and the name of the community Horkstow "Grange" sound very similar, but not spelled the same.

--The music is soothing and rather slow.  Kind of reminds me of your own farmer, PeeAw.  No words, just slow and steady.

--Played by a band.





Peer Gynt Suite No. 1

In the Hall of the Mountain King 

--Think about the sound the GR in Grieg makes....  kind of a growling sound... grrrrrr... 

--Then think about "Peer"ing down the Hall....(the Mountain King probably growls when people try to "Peer" in on him...  GRRRR... (Grieg--remember, I before E.)  

--In the Hall of the Mountain King

--Remember there is only "1" King.  "Peer Gynt Suite No. 1.

--This music almost reminds you of PEERing around, it is like you are creeping slowly and then it speeds up real fast.



Mendelssohn, Fanny

Mendelssohn, Fanny

(No Major Work listed)

Allegro molto in C minor

--This Composer has both names and does not list a major work... (and like the other 2--T. Giordani, and the long one Rachmaninoff) they didn't list Major Work (and neither did Williams)

--Think about a fanny pack that you put on when you run fast and you will think of "Fanny" Mendelssohn. 

--"Allegro" means fast and quick.

--Remember that this music is played FAST on a piano

--The music is kind of heavy, but you can hear and almost see the hands flying over the keys on the piano.

--Think about this...  after your hands have been playing all over the piano you will need to give than some time the "MEND"elssohn 

--MEN*DEL*SS*OHN, FAN*NY (remember she has 2 s's in her name.




The Marriage of Figaro


--Think about when you get married... you have one "Mo" person.  Like Mozart.

--The Marriage of Figaro is an Overture.  

--Some people say when you get married the fun is "Over", like in an Overture.  

--The music starts off really fast and quitely, (like you are running around getting ready for The Marriage of Figaro

--Then, it has blasts of loud music.  Think about a marriage that starts off fast then gets loud and then quiets down then loud again.

--It is almost like you can see the conductor asking for Mo, Mo, Mo (Mozart).  The music is lively, fast and up and down.





Romeo and Juliet

Dance of the Knights

--"PRO" means good stuff.  "Pro"kofiev wrote a good love story.

--Romeo and Juliet was a good love story with a sad ending.  The story was filled with violence and tragedy and you can hear that in the music.

--The Musical Selection from Romeo and Juliet is Dance of the Knights.  

--Remember, "Pro" is good and "Dance" is good.   

--The music... try to visualize Romeo and Juliet surrounded by all the Knights (Dance of the Knights) and they are trying to get to each other.

--It is a bit slow, and kind of quiet music until they get desperate to get to each other, then it speeds up and gets louder. 

--You can almost hear them tiptoeing around, trying to get to each other.





Gianni Schicchi

O mio babbino caro

--Remember this has a bunch of "I"s.  Puccini has 2 I's, Gianni and Schicchi both have 2 I's, and there are 2 I's in O mio babbino caro.

--Remember that Puccini ends with an I and that means it is Italian.  So, when you hear the music, it is a female singer singing in Italian.

--"O mio babbino caro"  means O, My Dear Pappa.  And the music is about a girl that wants her Pappa to help her with her love life.

--Puccini kinda reminds you of Pappa.

--The orchestra music starts off as 3 pleas then it goes directly into the opera singing.

--Remember, the girl is  begging her Pappa to help her with her love life/her boyfriend.  

--You can almost see the singer begging her Pappa.  She is begging and the music ends kind of sad.






(No Major Work listed)


--Remember, this composer's long (RACHMANINOFF) name has no Major Work Listed.

--When learning to spell:  Rach*man*in*off.

--The selection is "Vocalise" and played with a violin and orchestra.  There are no words.

--Think of it this way... "Vocal"ise...  easy on your vocal cords because there are no words.

--The music immediately goes into an opera singer... no words, just vocals with a violin and orchestra playing in the background.

--Think about the composer's name, and think are only vocals, no words.  The words are OFF!  (RachmaninOFF)





Trout Quintet

Movement 4

--This one is easy... Just think about the Schubert family.  

--They like to fish for Trout.

--A Quintet means 5 and there are 5 of them when you include the trout. (Trout Quintet)

--Their "Movement" through the water can be called "Movement 4" as the 4 of them look for TROUT!




Album for the Young

The Wild Horseman

--Think about the Composer this way...  SCHU*MANN.  That is kind of funny like a young kid.

--"Album for the Young" goes back to the young kid.

--And every young kid wants to be "The Wild Horseman".

--I can just see the Young kid going SHU*MANN as he tries to get "The Wild Horseman" to get up and go. 

--This music is very upbeat, repeats the temp... it's almost like you can see THE WILD HORSEMAN prancing around with his held high.

--This music is played on the piano and a short piece. 




Il Trovatore

Anvil Chorus

--The i on the end of Verdi reminds you that this is Italian and the song is sung by a Chorus in Italian.

--There are a lot of people singing the Chorus.

--Anvil Chorus of Il Trovatore is very upbeat and fast.

--Remember this... an anvil is the thing you bang on in the shop.  They actually had anvil's on the stage when this was performed.

--If you have a hard time remembering the Composer, think of this... VERDI... Verdi begins with VER, like VERy.  It is a VERy fast piece.  VERDI wrote a very  fast piece.




The Four Seasons

Spring, Movement 1

--Think about SPRING... it is one of THE FOUR SEASONS.  In spring the colors of the flowers are very vivid.  

--The vivid flowers will remind you of the composer VIVALDI.

-Spring, Movement 1.  That pretty much sums it up...  of THE FOUR SEASONS,... SPRING, MOVEMENT 1 is the best!

--Remember, those vivid flowers in spring and you will remember VIVALDI.




No Major Work Listed

Liberty Fanfare

--This doesn't have a Major Work listed.  Really no need to..  Williams is a common name and no need for a Major Work!

--Liberty Fanfare is the selection and that is a simple name just like Williams.

--The music starts out like.... pay attention... then they ring a bell 4 times and later in the piece you hear drums banging.

--The music is played by an orchestra.  Think about the conductor standing on stage and conducting all the musicians.

--No singing in this mucic, just a orchestra.

--Think about Williams being from Liberty.

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