BachCantata No. 208Sheep May Safely Graze--COMPOSER: think about the sound a sheep makes... Baa Baa/Rhymes with Bach--MAJOR WORK: Think about how many sheep there may be... "Can"tata No. 208 (CANTATA No. 208)--Think about Sheep May Safely Graze --The music is simple and clean. Visualize the sheep grazing and just walking around, calming, simple and clean. --A female singer and orchestra, sung in English, but I still have a hard time understanding the words.--You can hear the recorder instrument in the music.--BACH
BeethovenSymphony No. 3, "Eroica"Movement 3--Look at all the 3's... Beethoven has 3 E's--Symphony No. 3, "Eroica" (and the name begins with an "E")--Movement 3--Remember this is a Symphony piece. It is upbeat and you can hear all the orchestra. --BEE*THO*VEN
Bernstein (pay attention to the spelling of this name--the e is before the i. That is not common)CandideOverture--This one reminds me of burning ["Bern" stein] a--can ["Can"dide]... (Candide)--you have to turn them over and over [Overture] to get them to burn.--This is a full orchestra and very upbeat music. It is fast AND high and low. --At times, it is almost like mice running around on little tiny feet, being seen, speeding up, then sneaking around again. --Think about those Cans (Candide) full of rats. Oh my... they are in a hurry not to get caught or BERNSTEIN will burn them over and over! (Overture)--BERN*STEIN
Giordani, T.(no Major Work listed)Caro mio ben--This is a hard one. Just remember that it is sung in Italian...(all the Italian composers names end with an "i". --Caro mio ben means "Dear, my beloved" . --Maybe think that there is no Major Work listed, because this person has 2 names (the same as Fanny Mendellssohn, and even though Rachmaninoff doesn't have 2 names it is the longest name) --"Gior and Caro" (T. Giordani and Caro mio ben)--Maybe think that "Gior" goes with "Caro" [Caro mio ben]--GIOR*DANI, T.
GraingerLincolnshire PosyHorkstow Grange--The composer, Grainger, reminds me of "grain" like on a farm.--Lincolnshire is in England.--Horkstow Grange is a farming community in Lincolnshire.--It will help to remember that the Composer [Grainger] and the name of the community Horkstow "Grange" sound very similar, but not spelled the same.--The music is soothing and rather slow. Kind of reminds me of your own farmer, PeeAw. No words, just slow and steady.--Played by a band.--GRAIN*GER
GriegPeer Gynt Suite No. 1In the Hall of the Mountain King --Think about the sound the GR in Grieg makes.... kind of a growling sound... grrrrrr... --Then think about "Peer"ing down the Hall....(the Mountain King probably growls when people try to "Peer" in on him... GRRRR... (Grieg--remember, I before E.) --In the Hall of the Mountain King--Remember there is only "1" King. "Peer Gynt Suite No. 1.--This music almost reminds you of PEERing around, it is like you are creeping slowly and then it speeds up real fast.--GR*IE*G
Mendelssohn, Fanny(No Major Work listed)Allegro molto in C minor--This Composer has both names and does not list a major work... (and like the other 2--T. Giordani, and the long one Rachmaninoff) they didn't list Major Work (and neither did Williams)--Think about a fanny pack that you put on when you run fast and you will think of "Fanny" Mendelssohn. --"Allegro" means fast and quick.--Remember that this music is played FAST on a piano--The music is kind of heavy, but you can hear and almost see the hands flying over the keys on the piano.--Think about this... after your hands have been playing all over the piano you will need to give than some time the "MEND"elssohn --MEN*DEL*SS*OHN, FAN*NY (remember she has 2 s's in her name.
MozartThe Marriage of FigaroOverture--Think about when you get married... you have one "Mo" person. Like Mozart.--The Marriage of Figaro is an Overture. --Some people say when you get married the fun is "Over", like in an Overture. --The music starts off really fast and quitely, (like you are running around getting ready for The Marriage of Figaro. --Then, it has blasts of loud music. Think about a marriage that starts off fast then gets loud and then quiets down then loud again.--It is almost like you can see the conductor asking for Mo, Mo, Mo (Mozart). The music is lively, fast and up and down.--MO*ZART
ProkofievRomeo and JulietDance of the Knights--"PRO" means good stuff. "Pro"kofiev wrote a good love story.--Romeo and Juliet was a good love story with a sad ending. The story was filled with violence and tragedy and you can hear that in the music.--The Musical Selection from Romeo and Juliet is Dance of the Knights. --Remember, "Pro" is good and "Dance" is good. --The music... try to visualize Romeo and Juliet surrounded by all the Knights (Dance of the Knights) and they are trying to get to each other.--It is a bit slow, and kind of quiet music until they get desperate to get to each other, then it speeds up and gets louder. --You can almost hear them tiptoeing around, trying to get to each other.--PRO*KO*FIEV
PucciniGianni SchicchiO mio babbino caro--Remember this has a bunch of "I"s. Puccini has 2 I's, Gianni and Schicchi both have 2 I's, and there are 2 I's in O mio babbino caro.--Remember that Puccini ends with an I and that means it is Italian. So, when you hear the music, it is a female singer singing in Italian.--"O mio babbino caro" means O, My Dear Pappa. And the music is about a girl that wants her Pappa to help her with her love life.--Puccini kinda reminds you of Pappa.--The orchestra music starts off as 3 pleas then it goes directly into the opera singing.--Remember, the girl is begging her Pappa to help her with her love life/her boyfriend. --You can almost see the singer begging her Pappa. She is begging and the music ends kind of sad.--PU*CC*INI--GI*ANNI SCH*IC*CHI
Rachmaninoff(No Major Work listed)Vocalise--Remember, this composer's long (RACHMANINOFF) name has no Major Work Listed.--When learning to spell: Rach*man*in*off.--The selection is "Vocalise" and played with a violin and orchestra. There are no words.--Think of it this way... "Vocal"ise... easy on your vocal cords because there are no words.--The music immediately goes into an opera singer... no words, just vocals with a violin and orchestra playing in the background.--Think about the composer's name, and think are only vocals, no words. The words are OFF! (RachmaninOFF)--RACH*MAN*IN*OFF
SchubertTrout QuintetMovement 4--This one is easy... Just think about the Schubert family. --They like to fish for Trout.--A Quintet means 5 and there are 5 of them when you include the trout. (Trout Quintet)--Their "Movement" through the water can be called "Movement 4" as the 4 of them look for TROUT!
SchumannAlbum for the YoungThe Wild Horseman--Think about the Composer this way... SCHU*MANN. That is kind of funny like a young kid.--"Album for the Young" goes back to the young kid.--And every young kid wants to be "The Wild Horseman".--I can just see the Young kid going SHU*MANN as he tries to get "The Wild Horseman" to get up and go. --This music is very upbeat, repeats the temp... it's almost like you can see THE WILD HORSEMAN prancing around with his held high.--This music is played on the piano and a short piece.
VerdiIl TrovatoreAnvil Chorus--The i on the end of Verdi reminds you that this is Italian and the song is sung by a Chorus in Italian.--There are a lot of people singing the Chorus.--Anvil Chorus of Il Trovatore is very upbeat and fast.--Remember this... an anvil is the thing you bang on in the shop. They actually had anvil's on the stage when this was performed.--If you have a hard time remembering the Composer, think of this... VERDI... Verdi begins with VER, like VERy. It is a VERy fast piece. VERDI wrote a very fast piece.
VivaldiThe Four SeasonsSpring, Movement 1--Think about SPRING... it is one of THE FOUR SEASONS. In spring the colors of the flowers are very vivid. --The vivid flowers will remind you of the composer VIVALDI.-Spring, Movement 1. That pretty much sums it up... of THE FOUR SEASONS,... SPRING, MOVEMENT 1 is the best!--Remember, those vivid flowers in spring and you will remember VIVALDI.
WilliamsNo Major Work ListedLiberty Fanfare--This doesn't have a Major Work listed. Really no need to.. Williams is a common name and no need for a Major Work!--Liberty Fanfare is the selection and that is a simple name just like Williams.--The music starts out like.... pay attention... then they ring a bell 4 times and later in the piece you hear drums banging.--The music is played by an orchestra. Think about the conductor standing on stage and conducting all the musicians.--No singing in this mucic, just a orchestra.--Think about Williams being from Liberty.