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Past simple or Present simple?

This activity allow the students of 6º grade of Primary to difference between past simple (which is the principal content that we are going to work) and present simple.
Based on the following standard of the curriculum (54/2014): “Understanding messages and public advertising which have instructions, indications and other type of information (...)” .

Procedures of the activity: This activity is a crossword to improve the use of past simple. There are many sentences ordered to form a story, and every sentence is incomplete, has a word that is missing (the verb in brackets and in infinitive). The task of the students is to read the sentences, to figure out the missing word in each sentence, and then to fill the crossword with the correct tense (Present simple/ Past simple) by writing them correctly
Edad recomendada: 10 años
2 veces realizada

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    Alaitz Esnaola Ugartemendia
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