Reading comprehension - Test
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In 1957, an engineering company started studying the possibility to join Britain and France through a tunnel under the sea. It would have two trains for passengers as well as a small service train. In 1973 the ideas went into action and the hard work began. A short time later, they were stopped because there wasn’t enough money to complete the project. In 1984, several companies showed their ideas to re-start the project: two variations of railway, a road and a big bridge over the English Channel. The chosen project was the railway solution that was very similar to the one presented back in 1973. This time with help from both the British and French, a private company began the construction.
On January 20th 1986, the company TransMancheLink (TML) said that a long tunnel would be constructed. They chose a route from Folkestone in England to Calais in France. This wasn’t the shortest possible way and the company needed to work harder than 13 years before.
It took seven years to complete the Eurotunnel and about 13,000 people worked on it. The two ends of the smallest platform met on December st 1990 and lots of
journalists and photographers went to the opening ceremony. Later, in 1991 the two long trains met. The hard work continued and three years later the project
was completed.
In 1957, an engineering company started studying the possibility to join Britain and France through a tunnel under the sea. It would have two trains for passengers as well as a small service train. In 1973 the ideas went into action and the hard work began. A short time later, they were stopped because there wasn’t enough money to complete the project. In 1984, several companies showed their ideas to re-start the project: two variations of railway, a road and a big bridge over the English Channel. The chosen project was the railway solution that was very similar to the one presented back in 1973. This time with help from both the British and French, a private company began the construction.
On January 20th 1986, the company TransMancheLink (TML) said that a long tunnel would be constructed. They chose a route from Folkestone in England to Calais in France. This wasn’t the shortest possible way and the company needed to work harder than 13 years before.
It took seven years to complete the Eurotunnel and about 13,000 people worked on it. The two ends of the smallest platform met on December st 1990 and lots of
journalists and photographers went to the opening ceremony. Later, in 1991 the two long trains met. The hard work continued and three years later the project
was completed.
Edad recomendada: 13 años
Creada por
Manuel Fernando Ibargüen