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task five_lfparejam_551029_33


This is a lesson planned to start the visión of art in a school as a powerful method to integrate images and symbols.

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task five_lfparejam_551029_33Versión en línea

This is a lesson planned to start the visión of art in a school as a powerful method to integrate images and symbols.

por Luis Fernando pareja Muñoz


Task five…………………………………………………………………


English Literature


Luis Fernando Pareja Muñoz, 13469314








Diana Sofía Grisales, Tutor 551029_33




Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Bachelor´s degree in English as a foreign language

Medellín, Mayo 2019 



A rocking Haiku by the Beatles

Task five

This is a lesson planned to serve seven students, in the first grade of primary school Objectives and Goals: - To develop artistic sensibility towards Poetry - To study English using a kind of English literature - To analyze the syllabic structure of a poem made song

Warm up

. Warm Up: to set the stage for students by giving the objectives a Context, the group listens to the pop song “all together now”, preparing the introduction of the material in a way that students will relate to easily. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73lj5qJbrms

Direct Instruction 1

3. Direct Instruction: This is an invitation to consider the metric structure in poetry. It is something very simple; the number of syllables. For example when we analyze the Haiku poems, we basically get the 5/7/5 order. What is the magic? It is to signify an idea using the words limited by the logic of the structure. Example: Philip Sidney said (5) Poetry is ‘teach and delight’ (7) Echoing Horace (5) If each poem has a syllabic order as a limit, then we can play to find the number of syllables on any poetry construction and at the same time using basic numbers, letters and colors, to practice English.

Direct Instruction 2

As a method of Direct Instruction the teacher writes on the white board the song of the Beatles named: all together now. To consider the various learning styles within class, be noticed that when the students were going through the Warm up time they listened the song, now they can watch it written and complete in the blink of an eye:


All together now

One, two, three, four,      Can I have a little more? Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, I love you.

- A, B, C, D,      Can I bring a friend to tea? E, F, G, H, I, J,     I love you. Bom, bom, bom, bom-pa-bom,      Sail the ship, bom-pa-bom, Chop the tree. Bom-pa-bom,          Skip the rope, bom-pa-bom, Look at me. All together now,       All together now, All together now,       All together now...

- Black, white, green, red,       Can I take my friend to bed? Pink, brown, yellow, orange and blue,    I love you


Direct Instruction3

Now that the song is written on the wall is done to know the structure:  1- The poem begins with two verses from which the first one this is: One, two, three, four, Can I have a little more? Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, I love you. Easy to count: 4/ 7/ 6/ 3 The second verse: A, B, C, D = 4 Can I bring a friend to tea? = 7 E, F, G, H, I, J, = 6 I love you = 3

Direct Instruction 4

Now we have that first and second strophes match the same order: 4-7-6-3 syllables per line. Let us consider the third section of the song:  Black, white, green, red, = 4 Can I take my friend to bed? = 7 Pink, brown, yellow, orange and blue, = 6 I love you = 3 Bingo! It is proved that along the song of the Beatles “all together now” the poet accomplished the literature law. This is a kind of Haiku in the Rock music.  Let us take look at the bridge of the song: Bom, bom, bom, bom-pa-bom, = 6 Sail the ship, bom-pa-bom, = 6 Chop the tree. Bom-pa-bom, = 6 Skip the rope, bom-pa-bom, = 6 Look at this: 6/ 6/ / 6/ 6 It is almost the number of the beast. And to end, the chorus: All together now, = 4  All together now, = 4 All together now, = 4 All together now... = 4

Guided practice

. Guided Practice:  The teacher erases the white board and deliveries leaves of paper with the written song and each student must count every syllable of every line of every verse guided by teacher; practicing what they have learned so far. Under supervision, the students are given a chance to practice and apply the skills through direct instruction.


5. Closure: Teacher wraps up the lesson by giving to the concepts further meaning inviting students to carry the poem to the next level: the music. The pupils are invited to look for the guitar chords, which are very easy and help students organize the information into meaningful context in their minds by giving to rhythm the chance to play musical instruments or behave as singers.
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