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Volunteer in Malaga


This is your first week in Malaga, and so you can know a little more about what you are going to do here we will present the associations and entities you are going to work with.

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Volunteer in Malaga Versión en línea

This is your first week in Malaga, and so you can know a little more about what you are going to do here we will present the associations and entities you are going to work with.

por Asociación Iniciativa Internacional Joven de Málaga

Who are we going to work with in Malaga?

Who are we going to work with in Malaga? 

This is your first week in Malaga, and so you can know a little more about what you are going to do here we will present the associations and entities you are going to work with.




(Association of Paraplegics and large physically handicapped)

In 2016 in view of the lack of comprehensive post-hospital resources for spinal injuries and their families, Aspaym-Malaga set up the creation of a center with highly qualified personnel and specialized technical material, so that people with Physical disability can be met in a constant way in their recovery and in the maintenance necessary to avoid their personal deterioration. It is thus pursued not only an improvement in the physical sphere but also in psychological, social, labor and legal aspects.

ASPAYM Malaga is an independent, assertive, open and flexible entity that fosters internal communication with its partners and the different sectors of society.




(Andalusian Public Foundation for the Social integration of people with Mental illness)

People with serious mental disorders need attention in important and varied areas of their social, personal and family functioning. This requires a coordinated set of health and social support interventions that guarantee their permanence in the community and respect for the consideration of citizens.

In Andalusia, the attention to these people is carried out in the sanitary and social services, and in a specific network of resources of social support that manages FAISEM.

Created in 1993, FAISEM has as its objective the development and management of social support resources for people with dependency and disability derived from suffering serious mental disorders.

Currently, 1,600 professionals attend about 10,000 people in the following areas of activity: residential; Labour Occupational Daytime support; Art, culture and sports; Leisure fostering of guardianship entities; Care for people in homeless situations; Care for persons in deprivation of liberty; Sensitization and anti-stigma; National and international training, research and cooperation.


Madre Coraje

Madre Coraje (Mother Courage)

Development cooperation in impoverished communities with humanitarian aid and sustainable development projects, with volunteers and partners committed to equality, the fight against injustice and respect for the environment, educating and sensitizing Our closest environment. Our ideal is LOVE through our principles: solidarity, equality and gratuity.

Madre Coraje argues that a world in which there is equality in the enjoyment of human rights is possible, regardless of race, sex and social class. In which the objective of the economic system is the common good for all people and where it is possible to live in a society that respects the environment and people consume responsibly.

A world in which democracy is reality in all its richness and complexity and we fully exercise our citizens ' rights and obligations.

In Madre Coraje not only do they believe that this world is possible but that they are working to achieve it through responsible love based on equality, solidarity and gratuitousness.


Andrés Olivares Foundation

Andrés Olivares Foundation

The Andrés Olivares Foundation was born by Express desire of Luis, a child with oncological disease, who before dying asked his parents who wanted to help the children who, like him, were sick. Since then they offer comprehensive support to families who have a child with an oncological disease and who come to the maternal and child Hospital of Malaga.

They provide children with oncological disease and their families:

·         Psychological support to families who are going through the disease process of an oncology child

·         Physiotherapist assistance to the sick to alleviate the general muscular weakness to which they are confronted by the long periods of hospitalization

·         Social Work program to support families who suffer significant changes in the development of the disease, sometimes conservation of work or economic conflicts.

·         Other projects such as counseling in nutrition and naturopathy, or Reiki sessions taught at the hospital


Don Bosco Fundation

Don Bosco Fundation

In the face of "new youth poverty", Don Bosco's family reacts and drives everywhere a wide variety of offers, structures and services in favor of young people in need, following the educational commitment inspired by the preventive system. And works especially in places of greater poverty.

· Promote preventive intervention based on social education, promotion and comprehensive education in children under 6 to 17 years in collaboration with families.

·  Develop personal and educational conditions for the maintenance of schooling or the return of those who left the educational system.

· Generate the necessary conditions for unemployed people by designing personalized, continuous and complete routes that improve their employability.

· They accompany the processes of social insertion of young immigrants who find it difficult to incorporate themselves in full of rights and responsibilities.

· Itineraries of integral educational attention in minors/young people in situations of disprotection from a family environment and a specialized attention.

·  They prevent behaviors that pose a health risk and favor attitudes that improve the quality of life, developing attitudes and positive habits.

· Promote conditions of dignity, development and justice in disadvantaged areas. Volunteer promotion projects empower and channel solidarity. 




Web search on the actions in which you can volunteer in each of the associations exhibited above. 
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